Monday, June 18, 2012

Fremont Solstice Festival

And then I drank to forget my troubles and the peely, itchy paint all over my body.
Despite being a complete wreck of a bike ride/parade, it was a really fun day. And those are the kind of people you want to spend time with; where things could be awful and disappointing , and instead they are not. 
I hope if you were not riding in the parade, you at least got to see some naked bodies. There were many. Next year I will have a plan for my paint (And a bicycle?) and it will be epic. 
In other news: I am never riding a rickshaw again. 

Imagine Dragons is my jam today! 


  1. Ran across your blog and love it. Glad you're doing well.

  2. I'm glad you're reading it! I hope you are doing amazing as well. It's nice to hear from you
